Member-only story
Wake Me Up Before You Go
short story

The room was very pleasant indeed and a good size with a high ceiling. Why on earth hadn’t he been shown this in the first place? The old crone had taken an age to open the door, trying several different keys of varying sizes. While she fumbled about muttering under her breath, Milward felt like giving up and settling for the cramped attic room he’d been shown earlier— but of course it was the very last key, somewhat blackened with a warped shaft, that seemed to do the trick.
He surveyed the furniture. There were some nice pieces, including the ornate brass bed, the type often salvaged from the more exclusive sanatoriums and a rather delightful escritoire peppered with woodworm. Placed in one corner was a careworn Louis XVI style chair — probably a 19th century reproduction, but no matter. In the alcove opposite, there was a single door armoire and a traditional washstand. So far so shabby chic. A large window promised a fine view of the old castle walls, but the shutters were already half-closed as it was almost dusk.
He looked around for the light switch, but the old woman had already shuffled over to the rustic style bedside table in order to jab at the base of a tacky looking reading lamp. She clicked the switch on and off as if he needed a demonstration.