Member-only story

“Oubliette fell through. Piers kept saying I was a shoo-in, but he reckoned without Paris Hilton.”
“What do you mean?”
“They couldn’t have two faded It-girls, Melly. Paris won the toss.”
“I’m so sorry, Lara.”
“Yes, rather a let-down. On a brighter note — the oligarch is back.”
Yes, Oleg had returned bearing gifts, which was a little unexpected. Lara had been presented with several tins of beluga caviar and a pair of rather beautiful drop earrings. Siberian topaz. The swimming pool was nearing completion and he was considering throwing a party to celebrate.
“Just a few close friends and business associates. I’d like you to come, Lara.”
The big construction noises had gradually subsided over the past month. A van belonging to an artisan tiler was now parked out the front. When she walked past with Teddy on his new Gucci leash, a hipster in a beanie hat clambered out of the driver’s seat, lugging a tool bag. She didn’t get whistled at, not this time, she wasn’t even sure he’d noticed her.
Lara was preparing for the party. She’d just washed her hair using a new coconut elixir that Serena had recommended. Wrapping a towel turban-style around her damp locks in order to maximise the moisturising effect, she came…